“The Secret Life of Georgie” – Like all Republicans, Georgie’s harboring a secret! The youth is desperate for a cardboard reproduction of Yaz from the TV series Heiressz. Reminded of all the hot young moms, Hiro jumps at the chance to put his family first! But things progress rapidly from bad to worse, jump started with an essay Shin wrote about his father! “He comes home drunk, his life is lame…” “Kindergarten Pop” – Hiro’s called in a bomb threat and is enjoying his day off from work when Mitzi remembers that it’s parent’s day at the school. But when Penny's mother detours to the Battered Bunny Closet. The playground's abuzz as Shin and crew head off to Penny's, to answer the call of marketing. Action Bastard Busts a Move! - Action Bastard needs your help! His attacks have grown stale and the script writers sour, so everyone's favorite superhero has turned to his viewing audience for inspiration.

Oh look, he brought a friend! Falling off the wagon's always better with company! Curious Georgie Goes to the Zoo - Georgie comes calling and finds himself appalled by the state of things at Shin's place. But Penny's mother learns of her daughter's new-found addictions, and they decide to kick the habit together.

A Fistful of Bunny! - When Ai's airs invade on Penny's fantasy, she turns to Mr. The Unbearable Sadness of Being (the Happiness Bunny) - In a world of globalized exploitation, loss of meaning and devils named Shin, happiness was simply impossible for the Happiness Bunny.